Guest Post: The 3 As of FRANKxtraordinary Speaking

We have a special guest post today courtesy of Frank Simmons Jr., a nationally known speaker, trainer, coach, mentor, author and motivator.

By Frank Simmons Jr.

Have you ever wondered what you could do to improve on your speaking talent? Have you ever thought or felt that your presentation could be better or have more impact? Today, as I think about what it takes to be FRANKceptional on the speaking platform, I am reminded of three things that I believe are important for every speaker and aspiring speaker to catapult them into speaking greatness. I believe that these three things will take your speaking to a different level. Are these the only things? NO. Will they help? Yes! Let’s jump in.

The first thing is the first impression that you make with your APPEARANCE. That’s right, appearance. Appearance has the ability to affect our mood and the mood of those attending our presentations. Now, when I talk about appearance, I am talking about the complete package – from head to toe. Of course, you want to dress appropriately for the event. But there are also times when you must elevate your appearance to a level that others aspire to as well. What does your hair look like? Is it well groomed or unkempt? Your outfit should be crisp and fresh. Your makeup should be flawless. The nails on your fingers and toes should be groomed. Lotion is your friend. Are your colours complementing you or hurting you? Your shoes should be shined and clean.

Do you get the picture? Your appearance can have a significant impact on your presentation.

The second thing is your ATTITUDE. How your attitude is perceived can make or break the reception of your speech. Do we have bad days? Yes. Do things go wrong? Yes. Do we have challenges? Yes. But, my question to you is this: Does the audience care? I don’t think they do.

Your audience came to hear a great speech. They came to be informed and enlightened. So, regardless of how you feel internally, your audience should never have to experience negative vibes from the presenter. Your attitude should be positive, encouraging, motivational – or whatever it needs to be for a positive outcome for your audience. Give them a great show and deal with your internal issues when you leave the venue.

The third thing to help you have a powerful presentation is your ATTENDANCE. I am not talking about the number of people in the room or how many people show up. I am talking about YOU showing up. In order for you to have the greatest impact on your audience, you must be present in the room. You must be aware of your surroundings. You must be tuned in to what is happening right now. You have to be in the room with them. A great presenter cannot afford to be in the room but somewhere else at the same time. The audience deserves your presence. They deserve your undivided attention to them and their needs. Your attendance enhances your connection with the audience – and your connection with your audience is what makes a presentation great.

I could say more, but let’s save some for the next time. Appearance, attitude and attendance can help you step up your speaking game to FRANKxtraordinary levels.  That’s a FRANK Thought!  What’s yours?


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